Transformation Story – Part 1

By October 10, 2016Wellness

It’s a crisp fall Sunday morning, the brilliant sun is streaming through my living room windows. The same windows that provide a panoramic view of midtown Manhattan. Here I sit on my leather couch enjoying the aroma of a freshly brewed cup of coffee as I unwrap the New York Times newspaper. The thought suddenly hits me, “Why haven’t I done this before?” I have lived in this apartment for almost 8 years and I’m not sure I have ever taken the time to really enjoy a Sunday morning.

It does beg the question, “With over 400 Sundays during the past 8 years, how is it possible that I haven’t basked in the sunshine on a Sunday before?” Well, the answer is pretty clear when I think about it. Who has time? Ever since signing my life over to the investment banking gods, my time hasn’t been my own. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of benefits to this lifestyle, I have an awesome, fully renovated pre-war co-op although I don’t think I have ever actually prepared a meal in the kitchen or even had friends over for drinks. I do get to dine at some of the best restaurants in the city, but it usually involves entertaining clients or getting take-out from one of the restaurants near the office. While I don’t see my parents much, I know I have made them proud. As long as I keep this 6-figure job, I can continue to impress them when they visit. That’s really what matters, right?

How did this all happen exactly? I thought this job was supposed to put me on easy street. I really thought that this career path was going to give me status, abundant financial resources, and the ability to travel to exotic destinations. Instead, I travel on business about 150 days a year, work 14-16 hours a day, and maybe I make it to the gym 1-2 days a week during my lunch hour.  Oh, and did I mention, I haven’t spent a Christmas with my family in over 5 years? It’s kind of embarrassing to say all of this outloud. I’m a well-educated guy and people typically look to me to solve their problems whether they are business or personal. In fact, I get paid a lot of money to do this!   Where did I go wrong exactly? I’m sitting here alone, with no real friends, a family I seldom see and a body that I have mistreated with a routine of more all-nighters than I care to count, infrequent exercise, limited exposure to the outdoors other than an occasional late-night run through Central Park and a diet fraught with caffeine, processed food and diet soda. What’ really killing me is that this is the life that I have CHOSEN for myself!!

The gravity of my situation really hit hard that day. I realized that I needed to make some different choices soon before another 10 years passed me by.

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