How to Avoid the Holiday Blues

By November 30, 2016Wellness
Holiday Blues

Can you feel it coming? The excitement, the anxiety, the stress and maybe even the dread of the holidays? For many of us, the span between Thanksgiving and New Year’s has become a time of frenetic doing rather than a time of connection, reflection and being. It’s curious to me that despite our awareness of this chronic period of “doing”, our preparation and response doesn’t seem to change from year to year. We know better, but we can’t seem to BE better.

Like you, I am all too familiar with the chaos of the holidays and the emotional crash that often occurs on January 2nd. I have adopted some practices over the past few years that I would like to share with you. My hope is that you too can experience the real joy of this season and carry it forward into the year ahead. Here are some of my practices in no particular order:

  1. Take time to reflect on what your goals are for the season BEFORE the season begins. Setting an intention for the season gives it purpose and a specific focus.
  2. Make exercise a priority each day. It helps you to deal with the stress of the season and it gives you the energy to manage the increased emotional demands that often accompany family get togethers.
  3. At the end of each day, take a moment to record 3-5 things for which you are grateful. This is also a great way for you to stay focused on the intentions you have set for the season.
  4. Create memories. Giving gifts is nice, but creating memories lasts a lifetime. Each year, my family picks one special activity or outing that we do together. The point is that we are spending quality time together and experiencing love and connection.
  5. Reach out to someone in need. The holidays can be a lonely and depressing time for some people. Consider how you might create a positive memory for someone else. Don’t overthink this one. You would be surprised how impactful the simplest of gestures can be during the holidays. Let someone know that you are thinking of them and that they matter to you.
  6. For those of you who are accustomed to gift-giving during this season, consider making rather than buying a gift. You will feel a sense of accomplishment in creating something and the recipient most likely will appreciate the gift even more. There are numerous online resources to help even the most creatively-challenged individuals. Pinterest and Instagram are great places to start.
  7. Manage your expectations. December is a month like any other. It’s not more or less important and what you do this month doesn’t make or break your year. Realize that the commercialization of the holidays exists to inspire consumerism. You don’t have to get hooked by all of the hype. When you start to feel overwhelmed by the frenetic energy around you, take a moment, close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. This is a practice I use year-round and I find it especially helpful during the holidays.
  8. Live within your means. Overspending and overextending contribute to the post-holiday blues. Your self-worth is not determined by how much you spend on yourself and others. You might be surprised to learn that being fiscally responsible feels good and helps you to start off on the right foot in the upcoming year.
  9. Stay on top of your work obligations. The holiday season is not a license to disregard your work responsibilities. Businesses operate 12 months out of the year, not 11. Your continued efforts throughout the month of December help to insure the health and wellbeing of your organization.
  10. At the end of the holiday season, evaluate how you did overall. Did you stay true to your intentions for the season? If you did, CELEBRATE!! If you experienced some challenges, take a moment to reflect on what derailed you. Maybe even write down a few notes for next year. None of us are perfect and we are all in the process of learning.

I hope you find these tips helpful in navigating the hustle and bustle of this holiday season. Please feel free to message me with your own thoughts and suggestions on how to avoid the holiday blues. Happy Holidays!

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